Thursday, February 9, 2012

Notes 2-8

Raymond Carver "What do we talk about when we talk about love?" idyllic and ideal.

What is required for a romance?
Required: quest, revelation, apparent death, happy ending
A continually lengthening list of Peripherals: pirates, marriage, oracles, substitution, foundlings, noble birth, etc.
(Marriage is by pirates because all marriage is essentially abduction, all marriage is rape--this woman belongs to this man)

Men always blame the women.

Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen) "The Blank Page"--the wedding sheet before the stain of blood, the virginal page before ink, the deflowering of the paper with words.

Dionysus is throughout Daphnis and Chloe (see Jessica's blog)
Dionysus intoxicates and he destroys--he is the god who appears.

The word Daphnis comes from the tree--the laurel tree, Apollo chasing the human women.
Trees are important in Daphnis and Chloe
Chloe is the first shooting of the tree of Daphnis
Art and nature are the same--fusion of male and female, celebrating their union as one.

Look at the antpilot everyone is on. Be driven out of your head and release the brave reckless gods within us all. Relate beyond the formulas.

Diaphanous--light, delicate, and translucent

Not only is there no apparent death, there is no death.
Romance is the core of what we call fiction.

Read: To My Coy Mistress (if you get a chance)
Sex: the basis of popular culture.

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