For next meeting: read Ch. 3 in Frye and Callirhoe in Greek Fiction book.
Ashely and Jill perform Callirhoe! With puppets.
Perfect romance: very complicated plot, happy ending
Callirhoe is one of the archetypal romances
Jung: sees patients describing the same stories and symbols in dreams over and over again, formulates idea of the collective unconscious (founded in myths and archetypes).
Collective unconscious: part of unconscious mind that is derived from ancestral memory--psychological zone beyond the personal unconscious, remember everything that has happened to everyone.
Jung's dream of descending floors and trapdoors to find a ground floor littered with broken pieces of pottery. Ground floor is connected to everyone else's basements
Freud said collective unconscious was unverifiable, no evidence to suggest existence
Jung's "Psychological Types"--look at the quaternary test, Myer Briggs Test.
5 ancient romances are incredibly crude
(pg 73) Frye: pay attention.
Force and Fraud
Force: male hero (The Iliad, poem of force--violence, adventure, sheer strength)
Fraud: instead of force--fraud, cunning, trickery, deception
Woman must use deception and trickery (her wits) to survive.
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