Sunday, April 8, 2012

Notes 4-4

For next class period please read the real story of Aladin and all of The King and the Corpse

Laughter is an expression that moves you up or across (Alice in Wonderland reference: the mad hatter moving one seat over for the clean bowl--you replace those before you). It is a movement to another level of consciousness--silence to laughter is transcendent.

Kali is the goddess of destruction and death
Silence-laughter-dance (Shiva)
Seeing into it--Eliot sees ancestor dancing and then returning to the earth to nourish the next set of dance.

Beings afflicted by desire and the appearance of things must realize that life is trouble, and only death is not.
Dancing takes on the same character as laughing.
The world is continual coincidence
(pg 295) King and Corpse: the knot of life

The whole thing of life is unreal. That is the next step of moving across, or up depending on your view...we are the stuff of dreams and arrive exactly where we started, but to tell the story differently is to know the start as the first time.

Read Jill's blog about Radiolab--the worst returns to laughter.
The shell is no longer here but the story goes on because of love.
When the story comes to an end, you come to an end.
"I don't want to talk about it"--what the storyteller does to make you want to hear about it.

Solomon and the learned secret of illusion
Stories are an enormous extension on your natural life. An immersion in dreamlike stories both saves and extends.

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